Secure Software Development
Secure Software Development is a major step up from software development as you may know it. In this technical age, having a strong security posture is a necessity for companies conducting business. As technology progresses, the capabilities of malicious third parties progresses as well, unfortunately. Within the first six months of 2019, more than 4.1 billion private records were exposed due to malicious activity. Digital Maelstrom’s response to this new wave of intelligent hackers? Secure Software Development.
Building Secure Application Architecture
Best application architecture approach is to have multiple layers to separate various functional parts of the system into logical blocks. For example, front-end, mid-tier and data management layer.
The majority of the commonly exploited vulnerabilities are the result of poor software development coding practices. At Kanda we leverage best programming techniques for every language paired with our rigorous integrated quality assurance processes.
Formal security and quality assurance program is the best approach to ensure proper application development process. All application modifications should undergo both
automated and manual testing, including full performance and vulnerability testing before the commercial deployment.
Web-application and SaaS systems should be routinely tested for vulnerabilities to ensure that application enhancements, server upgrades and new feature rollouts will not lead to security vulnerabilities.
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Let’s Talk about Why You Need Building Secure Application Architecture
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- Take 15-30 minutes to talk to Pilar Secure about Building Secure Application Architecture
- We will ask you about your business objectives and IT challenges
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