IT Security Audit, Cybersecurity Services & Solutions

Di dunia digital saat ini, situs web semakin menjadi target serangan siber, yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan signifikan pada bisnis, reputasi merek, dan kehadiran online Anda. Itulah mengapa Jasa Security Website sangat penting untuk memastikan bahwa situs web Anda aman dari potensi ancaman.

Layanan Jasa Security Website kami yang komprehensif dapat membantu Anda melindungi situs web Anda dari serangan siber dan ancaman keamanan lainnya.

Kami mengontrol keamanan situs web Anda. Anda hanya mendapatkan laporan. Jika ada masalah atau aktivitas yang tidak biasa terdeteksi, kami secara otomatis masuk ke situs web/server Anda dan memperbaiki masalah tersebut. Kami memantau situs web Anda 24/7/365 untuk menjaga bisnis & situs web Anda tetap bersih, aman, dan terlindungi.

Jasa Security Proteksi Website dan Aplikasi | Jasa Cyber Security | Jasa Keamanan Website Berpengalaman no 1 di Indonesia

Cakupan Layanan Jasa Security Website

Penyedia jasa keamanan website terbaik di Indonesia untuk monitoring website perusahaan, jasa pentest & recovery data perusahaan.Penyedia jasa keamanan website terbaik di Indonesia untuk monitoring website perusahaan, jasa pentest & recovery data perusahaan.

Centralised Security Management

All your security policies managed from a single location, preventing rogue machines connecting to your key applications whether cloud-based on on-site.

Threat Management

With your permission we will execute a phishing campaign to identity potential user-based breaches. We will then follow up with cybersecurity awareness training.

Hard Disk Encryption

Ensuring that data can never be accessed in the event of device theft from your organization.

Office 365 Advanced Security

Additional security implementations to enforce additional security such as multi-factor authentication and email backup.​

Network Security Audit

Analysis and reporting of any security threats found within your network. Recommendations to resolve issues and preventative measures put in place.

Endpoint Protection

We will check all devices and provide the latest antivirus and malware protection software. All threats are alerted back to our helpdesk.

Backup & Disaster Recovery

A combination of data backup and disaster recovery solutions that work cohesively to ensure a company’s business continuity

Proactive Network Monitoring

Efficient and secure monitoring of your servers and network devices, with problem resolution before costly downtime.

Why Choose Us

Di dunia digital saat ini, situs web semakin menjadi target serangan siber, yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan signifikan pada bisnis, reputasi merek, dan kehadiran online Anda

Team of Expert

All In One Solution

Perusahaan Legal

Berorientasi Solusi

Excellent Customer Service

Affordable Pricing

Cybersecurity Trends

Source :


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