Database Security Solutions
Data is the primary target In virtually every breach scenario – and databases are the primary storage for business applications. Protecting these systems gets harder every day. While there are many challenges Database Administrators face in the management and security of their various database flavors and instances, there are some common denominators that ultimately make managing data access so problematic.
Database Security Solution
Discover databases throughout your environment to obtain a complete view of your data footprint.
Collect & Analyze
Collect & Analyze relevant data points to answer critical questions (e.g. sensitivity, access, ownership, age, etc.).
Monitor activity to understand user interactions with data.
Restructure access to achieve Least Privilege principles and position for effective governance.
Govern access ongoing to ensure security, compliance, and operational standards are met.
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Let’s Talk about Why You Need DevSecOps as Service Solution
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- Take 15-30 minutes to talk to Pilar Secure about Database Security Solutions
- We will ask you about your business objectives and IT challenges
- You’ll receive our best recommendations Database Security Solutions

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